Concord, NH --- AFT-NH President Deb Howes Released the Following Statement on Approval of Rules for School Voucher Program
"Today's rules committee meeting in Concord raised more questions than it answered, but disappointingly the Joint Legislative Committee let the temporary rules on school vouchers move forward despite questions about conflicts with existing laws on student safety, and data privacy as well as the inadequate examination of the fiscal impact of the program. Frank Edelblut and the Republican-led legislature continue to turn a blind eye to the real issues this program raises. Make no mistake, these actions of the Republican-led legislature and the rules committee will lead to higher property taxes for many Granite State families. Additionally, it is clear from the conversation today that students with disabilities will be hurt by these rules. While we are disappointed at the actions taken today, we will continue to fight for all New Hampshire public school students to make sure they get the education and support they deserve."