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Press Release


AFT-NH President Deb Howes has requested Education Commissioner Edelblut to seek a solution to the special education funding shortfall by asking the Fiscal Committee to provide the funding.


Her letter addresses the severity of the problem with the following, "Without intervention by you, local communities will be stuck footing the bill entirely on their own - a bill currently estimated to be $17 million statewide. Our members are already hearing concerns from both parents and administrators that this cost will necessitate cuts in other essential services or property tax hikes in cities and

AFT-NH Endorsed Candidates 2024

After careful consideration of the candidates for the November 2024 election, AFT-NH has released its list of endorsements. We encourage full participation in the election so your voice can be heard. Voting is a personal choice, and we respect each member’s opinion and vote.

AFT-NH has endorsed the following candidates because they share our CORE VALUES.

  • Support the right of workers to organize and collectively bargain

  • Support keeping public money in public schools and oppose school vouchers

  • Support strong public services

  • Support academic freedom and oppose censorship in K-12 and our universities

You can see the full list here:  


AFT-NH local leaders and negotiating teams have spent countless hours preparing tentative agreements to be presented to the voters in March. All of that hard work comes down to one day of voting or one meeting. Please help AFT-NH members bring these contracts over the finish line. Please share this list with friends and allies so they know how they can make a difference and support our AFT-NH locals. We know that every single vote counts. Together we win. You can download the guide here. 


New Hampshire Department of Education 306 Rules FAQ

Next week, on Wednesday, at the State Board of Education meeting, the 306 rules, the rules that govern our local neighborhood public schools, are on the agenda. These rules have been worked on, mostly in secret, for nearly three years now. The first draft that was released last March was terrible for public students, teachers and staff.  We do not know yet what will come out of the meeting on Wednesday but wanted to prepare you with a one pager on the 306 rules and prepare you for action after the next draft of the rules are released. Please watch this space for further updates and actions. Here is a Q&A on the process and rules.



Poll Shows Granite Staters Do Not Support the Voucher Program and Strongly Oppose an Expansion

Poll Shows Granite Staters Do Not Support the Voucher Program and Strongly Oppose an Expansion

CONCORD, N.H. -  More Granite Staters oppose the taxpayer-funded school voucher program than support it, with an even stronger opposition to further expansion of the program, according to polling released by the UNH Survey Center yesterday.  AFT-NH President Deb Howes released the following statement:

“The Granite State Poll proves what we have said from the beginning, that hard-working Granite Staters are looking for solutions that help all our neighborhood public school students and are not interested in funding unaccountable, unproven, and over budget programs that only help a few families. The voucher scheme pushed by Frank Edelblut and extreme right-wing politicians raises local property taxes and does not improve educational outcomes for most students, all while New Hampshire continues to fail to fulfill its constitutional duty and fund our neighborhood public schools. The New Hampshire legislature should and must turn its attention to fully funding neighborhood public schools and ensuring that each student can access a robust, challenging and honest curriculum so that the Granite State can continue to have some of the best schools and best-educated students in the country.”



Photo of AFT President Randi Weingarten addressing TEACH 2023

The AFT has always been a solutions-driven union, and our new campaign, launched during TEACH on July 21, proves it once again with a fresh, practical approach to strengthening public education. As AFT President Randi Weingarten pointed out during her keynote speech, the $5 million, yearlong campaign, “Real Solutions for Kids and Communities,” stands up against attacks on public schools and offers real-world solutions to build up, rather than break down, our communities.


CONCORD, N.H. From the moment he was sworn in Governor Sununu showed us he was an anti-education governor. His pick of Frank Edelblut as his Commissioner of Education has set off a chain of events in New Hampshire that have been detrimental to most Granite State students who rely on our neighborhood public schools. From the over budget, unaccountable and unproven school voucher program to signing a ban on teaching honest history, Sununu’s record on education will not be looked well upon in the years to come.