The House Labor Committee has scheduled a hearing on SB 61, the so-called “right to work” bill for Thursday, March 25. We need the committee members to know that there is substantial opposition to this bill, which could reduce the compensation and benefits of all workers in New Hampshire.
Make your voice heard! Register your opposition here in some easy steps:
- Click the link above to be taken to the page where you can register your opposition.
- For the date of the hearing, select March 25, 2021
- Select the House, Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Services Committee
- Identify yourself as a “Member of the Public” and that you are representing “Myself”
- Under Indicate your position on this bill, select “Oppose this bill”
- Leave the “I wish to speak on this bill” box unchecked, unless you would like to testify.
- Click Continue
- Fill in your name, phone number, and email address, and click continue.
- Check the box affirming the truthfulness of your information, and click continue.