Stop the effort to divert money from public schools to private schools, home schoolers and others. We need to protect public education. SB 193 is a voucher bill under the guise of “Education Freedom Savings Accounts”. A hearing before the House Education Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th at 10:00am at the Legislative Office Building, Room 207, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH.
Please Support Public Education
Defeat SB 193
Stop School Vouchers
Stop the effort to divert money from public schools to private schools, home schoolers and others. We need to protect public education. SB 193 is a voucher bill under the guise of “Education Freedom Savings Accounts”.
Each school district receives $3,560 +/- for each student enrolled in K-12. This bill would divert 90% of that amount to an account for a child who attends any private school, charter school or for home-schooling expenses. Another 5% in administrative expenses can be diverted to the administration of the “scholarship account”.
This bill will cause a significant impact on local property taxpayers as money is diverted away from funding our public schools and into a system with little or no accountability.
A hearing before the House Education Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th at 10:00am at the Legislative Office Building, Room 207, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH.
Please attend the hearing and show your opposition. If you do not wish to testify, you can sign a card showing your opposition.
If you are unable to attend, you can email the full House Education Committee directly at
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