Dear Union Colleagues and Supporters,
Your Union colleagues around the state have spent countless hours negotiating fair and reasonable contracts with their employers. On Tuesday, March 14th contracts will be presented to voters in many districts. There are five AFT-NH contracts on ballots on this date. There will also be important votes to approve budgets, stop outsourcing and save police department positions. On Saturday, March 18th, there will be an important town meeting in Pittsfield where we are asking people to show up and vote to restore the two police officer positions which are being cut. Public safety matters! We are asking that if you live in one the towns below that you take the time to be sure to vote in support of these contracts and encourage your friends and family to vote. When we act in unity, we make a difference every time!
Together by supporting those who work with our children and adequately funding our schools, we can reclaim the promise of public education. We also must make certain that vital public safety services are funded appropriately.
Please remind folks that they can register to vote at the polls with proper identification and proof of residency! There’s still time to get an absentee ballot for voting on 3/14 if you will be out of town or unable to vote. Voting locations and times are provided below!
Thank you for supporting your fellow union members or for being a supporter of AFT-NH members.
In Solidarity,
Doug Ley
AFT-NH President
Farmington School District
Farmington School Custodians, AFT Local #6212
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #4 and #5.
A three-year contract.
Farmington Town Hall: 8am-7pm
Hillsboro-Deering School District
Hillsboro-Deering Support Staff, AFT, Local #6219
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #6 and #7.
A three-year contract. The H-DSS members have been without a contract for 3 years.
Deering: Deering Town Hall 11am to 7pm
Hillsboro: Hillsboro-Deering Middle School Gymnasium 7am to 7pm
Newfound Area School District
Newfound Teachers’ Union, AFT Local #6557
Please vote YES on Warrant Article #5.
A two-year contract.
Alexandria: Town Hall, 45 Washburn Road 11am-7pm
Bridgewater: Town Hall, Route 3A, Mayhew Turnpike 12pm to 6pm
Bristol: Old Town Hall, 45 Summer Street 8am to 7pm
Danbury: Town Hall, 23 High Street 11am to 7pm
Groton : Groton Town House, 754 North Groton Road 11am to 7pm
Hebron: Community Hall (Hebron Church) 11am to 7pm
New Hampton: Town House, 86 Town House Road 11am to 7pm
Raymond School District *Outsourcing Alert
Raymond Educational Support Staff, AFT Local #4823
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #4 and #5.
A two-year contract.
*Please stop the outsourcing of the Raymond Schools’ cafeteria program. 100% of the employees live in Raymond. Voters have rejected it in the past but the school board is trying to do this again.
Please vote NO on the School Board’s Article 9 and YES on the Citizens’ Petition Article 10.
Iber Homes Gove Holmes Middle School Gymnasium: 7am–7pm
Timberlane Regional School District
Timberlane Support Staff Union, AFT #6530
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #4 and #5.
A three-year contract.
Atkinson: Community Center, Rt. 121 7am – 8pm
Danville: Community Center, Rt. 111 8am – 7pm
Plaistow: Pollard School , Main St. 7am – 8pm
Sandown: Sandown Town Hall, Main St. 8am – 8pm
Town of Pittsfield
Please support our Pittsfield Town Employees, AFT #6214 at their annual town meeting. The Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee have recommended cutting two police officer positions. The Town has had the benefit of receiving a COPS grant which is a three-year contract. The decision to reduce the number of police officers, in addition to the grave concerns about public safety, also exposes the Town to paying back $40,000 +/- for not fulfilling the obligations of the grants. Please attend the meeting, support public safety and vote YES on Citizens’ Petition Article #8.
Pittsfield Elementary School Gymnasium 10am