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AFT-NH Legislative Bulletin (2024-01) Action Needed

2024 Legislative Session Opening Week

Action Needed

The legislative session opened this week, and we are already seeing a continuation of the divisive culture war attacks on students and teachers rather than real solutions that will help our kids learn and grow and our communities thrive. And Right to Work is back – again.

We should be focusing on making sure that every student in every public school feels safe, included, welcome and is connected to the school community. We should make sure the schools have enough certified teachers to keep class sizes small so students can get individual attention, have enough well trained paraeducators to provide academic and behavioral support, as well as having guidance counselors and school nurses to meet student needs. We should be looking at ensuring schools can engage student interests and meet their learning needs through hands on and experiential learning. And to do all that we need the New Hampshire Legislature to finally live up to its constitutional obligation to all Granite Staters to provide an equally robust opportunity for a public education for every student in the state, no matter whether they live in a town with a high property tax base or a town with a low property tax base.

That is what the New Hampshire Legislature should be focusing on. Nearly half of the NH House members are pro public education legislators who understand these priorities and vote consistently in the best interest of our students, public schools, and universities. The NH Senate is a more difficult path with only 10 consistent pro public education votes. This is why the bills proposed and the resulting final legislation is sometimes so at odds with what Granite Staters actually want.

This week we saw attacks on the human rights of transgendered students, attempts to turn teachers and school staff into spies on students’ activities and conversations at school in case parents want to be informed, and attempts to expand the unaccountable, overbudget school voucher program. And next week, we have a bill accusing teachers of indoctrinating students in public schools.

 This session there are a record number of bills filed. It has been a very busy beginning and will be a fast-paced next few weeks.  The House Education Committee has almost 140 bills alone to consider.

The House was also in session finishing up their bills from last year. That included anti-education Republicans failing to protect granite state kids by refusing to require background checks when a state funded voucher is used for a child’s education. Now a student may attend a school or a co-op using state funds, and the parents cannot be sure that they are being taught by a safe adult.

The Senate Education Committee this week held hearings on three bills that would directly affect our educators and our neighborhood public schools. They heard two bills that would drastically expand the voucher program.

  • SB 442-FN would expand the voucher program by allowing any student who is denied a transfer to another school or district a voucher regardless of family income. This is simply a backdoor universal voucher because it contains no requirement that the family show that the public school was somehow failing to meet the student’s educational needs. Please read AFT-NH President Deb Howes’ testimony here.
  • SB 522-FN-A would create a school voucher program for Pre-K ages 2 ½ through age 5 for low-income families. It would stop an existing program that already provides support for high-quality childcare to low-income families through the Department of Health and Human Services and replace it with a new program through the NH Department of Education. NH does not offer universal PreK to public school families. This bill would take away the stable high-quality childcare already established through the DHHS program presumably so it can expand school vouchers. Please read AFT-NH President Deb Howes’ testimony here.
  • SB 341 would insert a vague and unworkable standard that a teacher must respond to any parent’s request “completely and honestly” in writing when asked a question without defining what that means. How many things are you going to have to keep track of because a parent might want to ask you about it? How will you find time to do this on top of your actual job of teaching or supporting students in your school? This bill is another culture war attack that is trying to cause division rather than focusing on real solutions. Please read AFT-NH President Deb Howes’ testimony here.

Looking Ahead   Unfortunately, next week does not get much better. On Monday at 2:30 p.m., the House Education Committee is hearing HB 1206 , the “Education not Indoctrination” bill. This is yet another bill brought forth by anti-education and anti-educator politicians who want nothing more than to demonize our hardworking educators in an effort to systematically destroy our public schools. It prohibits teaching any unproven theory as a fact. It also prohibits advocating for any particular viewpoint or ideology because that might unduly pressure students into adopting the teacher’s theories or viewpoints rather than forming their own. The continued attack on educators is unfounded, and filled without outright lies. We know educators are committed to teaching honest history, challenging students so they learn, while allowing them to make up their own minds and form their own opinions on any given subject.

Let’s Stop Right to Work (again) – Please take action now.

Also, next week, so-called Right to Work (RTW) is back. The right “Right-to-Work” bill (HB 1377-FN) will be heard in the New Hampshire House Labor Committee on January 10th at 3:00 p.m.

We know that most of our AFT-NH locals are not directly impacted by RTW. Make no mistake that our members and all workers in the state will be impacted by weakening organized labor in NH. We know that in Right to Work states, wages are lower and workplaces are less safe. We are members of the NH AFL-CIO and we proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with our brother and sisters who are letter carriers, linemen, and pipefitters to name a few.

 This is just another attempt by anti-worker politicians who don’t like unions and want to weaken our collective power. Right to Work will always be wrong for NH.

Please take ACTION now.

To sign in to register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, use this


       1.     After clicking the link, fill in the content boxes with your first and last name, as well as your town, state, and email  address.

2.     Select the date of the hearing on the calendar (1/10), by clicking on the relevant date.

3.     In the dropbox below "Select the Committee," select House Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services

4.     In the dropbox below "Choose the Bill," select 3:00 PM - HB 1377

5.     Select the appropriate option for the "I am" dropbox (likely "Member of the Public")

6.     Fill in the content box under "I'm Representing" with the business, organization, or group you are representing. If you are representing yourself only, write "myself."

7.     Under the “Indicate Your Position on this Bill,” check the circle that says "I Oppose this Bill"

8.     If you wish to speak during the hearing to present your testimony, you will need to attend in person at the State House, but you may upload your testimony if you cannot attend.

9.     If you wish to submit testimony on the bill, click the “Choose File” button to upload the testimony file from your computer.

10.  Once you have reviewed that the information that you have entered is accurate, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the webpage.

For breaking news and other legislative information, please be sure to like us on Facebook at AFT New Hampshire or follow us on Twitter @AFTNewHampshire to receive the latest news.  Please share this with friends so they can sign up for this bulletin at

You can also read written testimony submitted to the legislature at STATE HOUSE NEWS.

We will post next week’s schedule of bill we are monitoring at the end of the weekly bulletin. If you want to find out more information about any bill, you can simply enter the bill at the following link:  FIND A BILL.

Upcoming Legislative Hearings

Mon 1/8 9:30 AMHB 1008Relative to The Authority Of The Commissioner Of The Department Of Education to Grant Extensions For The Filing Of School Expenditure Reports.Rep. Sallie FellowsLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 9:45 AMHB 1009Relative to The Submission Of Annual Town Reports to The Commissioner Of The Department Of Education.Rep. Sallie FellowsLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 10:00 AMHB 1014Relative to The Registration Of High School Students to Vote.Rep. Mark PaigeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 10:30 AMHB 1048Relative to The Commission On Holocaust and Genocide Education.Rep. Dan WolfLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 11:15 AMHB 1163Relative to Review Of Public School Minimum Standards By The Legislative Oversight Commission.Rep. Rick LaddLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 12:45 PMHB 1107Relative to Public School Curriculum Frameworks.Rep. Rick LaddLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 1:15 PMHB 1066Relative to The Graduation Requirement Of Filing A Free Application For Federal Student Aid (fafsa).Rep. Kristin NobleLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 1/8 2:30 PMHB 1206Relative to Prohibiting Educator Indoctrination.Rep. Alicia LekasLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 9:15 AMHB 1288Relative to Establishing Certain Due Process Rights For Students, Student Organizations, and Faculty Members Facing Disciplinary Actions By State Institutions Of Higher Learning.Rep. Bob LynnLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 9:30 AMSB 444Relative to The Public Posting Of Board Of Education Agenda Items and Meeting Materials.Sen. Suzanne PrentissLOB 101 (Education/S)
Tue 1/9 9:45 AMSB 528Relative to Trustees Of The University System.Sen. James GrayLOB 101 (Education/S)
Tue 1/9 10:00 AMSB 529Relative to The Definition Of "teacher."Sen. Shannon ChandleyLOB 101 (Education/S)
Tue 1/9 10:00 AMHB 1111Relative to The Penalty For False Reports Of Suspected Abuse and Neglect Made to The Division For Children, Youth, and Families.Rep. James SpillaneLOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 10:15 AMHB 1305Relative to Freedom Of Speech and Association At Public Institutions Of Higher Education.Rep. Daniel Popovici-MullerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 1:00 PMHB 1450Relative to Establishing A Commission On Higher Education Consolidation.Rep. Rick LaddLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 1:30 PMHB 1436Relative to Requiring Institutions Of Higher Education to Maintain Certain Statistical Information On Their Website.Rep. Travis CorcoranLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 2:00 PMHB 1199Relative to Services Of The Office Of The Child Advocate For Youth Experiencing Homelessness and Making An Appropriation Therefor.Rep. Patrick LongLOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 2:10 PMHB 1342Relative to The Licensing Of Electronic Literary Materials By Libraries.Rep. Shaun FiliaultLOB 301-303 (Municipal and County Government/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/9 3:00 PMHB 1534Relative to Establishing A Program to Earn Tuition Credits For State Of New Hampshire Higher Education Institutions Through Community Service.Rep. Kristina SchultzLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/10 9:30 AMHB 1021Relative to Body-worn Cameras and Exculpatory Evidence.Rep. Dan HynesLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/10 9:45 AMHB 1007Relative to Notice Of Terms and Conditions Of Remote Work Arrangements.Rep. Mark MacKenzieLOB 206-208 (Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/10 9:45 AMHB 1068Relative to Establishing A Blood Lead Level Testing Requirement For Children Entering Day Care and Public Schools.Rep. Chuck GrassieLOB Room 210-211
Wed 1/10 10:30 AMHB 1071Relative to The Right to Repair Certain Educational Technology.Rep. Eric GallagerLOB 302-304 (Commerce and Consumer Affairs/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/10 11:15 AMHB 1178Relative to An Employee's Unused Earned Time.Rep. Michael CahillLOB 206-208 (Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/10 3:00 PMHB 1377Relative to Granting Workers Free Choice to Join or Refrain From Joining Labor Unions.Rep. Yury PolozovLOB 206-208 (Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services/H)
Public Hearing
Thu 1/11 11:00 AMHB 1455Relative to Photography, Audio Recordings, and Video Recordings In Public Buildings and On Public Lands.Rep. Jason GerhardLOB Room 202-204
Thu 1/11 1:15 PMHB 1299Relative to Group Ii Membership In The Retirement System For Certain Firefighter Educators.Rep. Douglas TrottierLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Public Hearing
Thu 1/11 1:45 PMHB 1211Relative to Part-time Employment Of A Retirement System Retiree.Rep. Mark ProulxLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Public Hearing
Thu 1/11 2:45 PMHB 1307Providing A Supplemental Appropriation For Members Of The Retirement System Receiving An Accidental Disability Retirement Allowance.Rep. Hope DamonLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Public Hearing
Fri 1/12 10:45 AMHCR 10Urging Congress to Increase Federal Funding For Special Education Services to Reduce Property Taxes In New Hampshire.Rep. Susan PorcelliLOB 206-208 (State-federal Relations and Veterans Affairs/H)
Public Hearing
Fri 1/12 11:30 AMHB 1238Requiring All Municipal Police Department Vehicles to Bear Municipal Police License Plates.Rep. Brandon PhinneyLOB Room 202-204
Tue 1/16 9:30 AMHB 1128Relative to The Definition Of A Scholarship Organization For Purposes Of The Education Tax Credit.Rep. David LuneauLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 10:00 AMHB 1402Establishing A Procedure For A High School Proficiency Exam Waiver Of Mandatory School Attendance.Rep. Alicia LekasLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 10:45 AMHB 1212Relative to Eligibility For Free School Meals.Rep. Muriel HallLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 11:30 AMHB 1516Relative to Enrollment In Public Schools By Children Of School District Employees.Rep. Alvin SeeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 1:00 PMHB 1553Relative to Establishing A Pilot Program Under The Department Of Education to Offer "spelling to Communicate" Services to Students with Autism or Apraxia.Rep. Jim KofaltLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 1:00 PMHB 1165Relative to Procedures For School Facilities Under The Department Of Education.Rep. Rick LaddLOB Room 205-207
Tue 1/16 1:45 PMHB 1153Relative to Mandatory and Elective Public School Curricula.Rep. Mike BelcherLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 2:30 PMHB 1160Relative to School Assessments Of Statewide Academic Areas.Rep. Rick LaddLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/16 3:00 PMHB 1019Relative to The Interstate Compact On Educational Opportunity For Military Children.Rep. Hope DamonLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/17 9:00 AMHB 1002Relative to Fees For Records Under The Right-to-know Law.Rep. Katelyn KuttabLOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/17 9:45 AMHB 1069Relative to Material Subject to Disclosure Following A Public Meeting Under The Right-to-know Law.Rep. Jess EdwardsLOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/17 10:45 AMHB 1112Relative to Establishing A Continuing Education Requirement Regarding Human Trafficking For Individuals Licensed By The Office Of Professional Licensure and Certification.Rep. David RochefortLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 1/17 11:00 AMHB 1514Relative to Excess Funds Paid to Municipalities For The Use Of School Districts.Rep. David BickfordLOB Room 202-204
Wed 1/17 11:30 AMHB 1167Relative to The Math Learning Communities Program.Rep. Rick LaddLOB Room 205-207
Thu 1/18 9:30 AMHB 1419Relative to Prohibiting Obscene or Harmful Sexual Materials In Schools.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB Room 205-207
Thu 1/18 12:45 PMHB 1216Relative to Cross-district Bullying and Cyberbullying.Rep. Kristine PerezLOB Room 205-207
Thu 1/18 1:00 PMHB 1201Relative to Payment Of Wages For Deceased Employees.Rep. Brian SeaworthLOB Room 307
Thu 1/18 1:30 PMHB 1164Relative to Criminal Records Checks Of Teacher Credentialing Applicants.Rep. Rick LaddLOB Room 205-207
Thu 1/18 2:00 PMHB 1058Relative to School Employee and Designated School Volunteer Criminal History Records Checks.Rep. Kristine PerezLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 1/23 9:30 AMSB 517Relative to The Employment Status Of University Students Working In Educational Programs.Sen. Bill GannonSH 100 (Commerce/S)
Thu 1/25 1:00 PMHB 1375Relative to Severance Agreements Requiring Employees to Broadly Waive Labor Law Rights.Rep. Eric GallagerLOB Room 307

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