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AFT-NH Legislative Bulletin (2024-05) Stop School Voucher Expansion

Urgent Action Needed to Stop Universal School Vouchers

Breaking News ~ Stop Universal Vouchers.   Our public school students need your help now. The NH House calendar for next week now includes three bills that would significantly expand the school voucher program, making it universal, will be voted on by your state representatives.  Contact your state representative NOW and ask them to vote NO on these unaccountable and budget busting bills.

These three voucher bills, HB 1561, 1634, and 1665, will expand the state’s school voucher program so that any family, or almost any family, is eligible, yet still relying on the same overburdened taxpayers to fund it. These bills which come with a huge price tag are being presented at a time when they are ignoring the Court’s Con/Val ruling that shows they have been starving our local neighborhood public schools of necessary funds for decades and ignoring their constitutional obligation to provide all students in the Granite State with the opportunity for a robust public education. The extremists in the NH House will also vote on a plan to raid the Education Trust Fund so the money can’t be used to help public school students.

Please let you state representative know it is time to reject this wild voucher scheme and fully fund our local public schools.

Voucher Disaster in Arizona. While many of the bills sponsored this session pose threats to the public education system, we have seen in Arizona how disastrous universal vouchers can be for local neighborhood public schools. In Arizona, the cost of vouchers is nearing $1 billion dollars at the end of one year and is forcing deep cuts in public school budgets and even the closure of some local public schools. New Hampshire students, families, and taxpayers deserve better. The voucher program here has already busted its budget and contains zero accountability.

If we fail to stop this massive expansion, ultra-wealthy people will use vouchers to send their kids to elite private schools and hardworking middle class Granite Staters will suffer. And as a reminder with all of these bills, they apply to students already in private school or who are homeschooled.

Action Needed to Stop Voucher Expansion These are the three bills to be voted on by the full NH House on Thursday, February 8th. The vote in the House Education Committee was 10-10 so these bills will go to the floor without a committee recommendation.

HB 1561 creates numerous categories for unlimited vouchers including “concern that attending school could lead to the spread of a contagious disease such as COVID-19, the common cold…” It is clear this bill creates universal vouchers, once again a giveaway to the ultra-wealthy. Oppose

HB 1634 Removes any income limit on voucher participation allowing the ultra-wealthy to use our tax dollars meant for students in public schools to pay part of their tuition at Phillips Exeter or St. Paul’s. Oppose

HB 1665 raises the income limit from 350% to 500% or $156,00 for a family of four. Oppose

TAKE ACTION NOW.    Contact your state representative by clicking the following link,


More Voucher Bills

The House Education Committee also voted 10-10 on these additional voucher bills which will also go to the full House for a vote after next week.

HB 1677 removes the income limit for families within the “geographic area” of a public school with less than 25% proficiency. In addition to draining resources from our schools and students who need them the most, “geographic area” is not defined and could easily be a statewide unlimited voucher system. The student does not have to ever have been enrolled in the low performing school to qualify for a voucher, just live in the “geographic area”.

HB 1652 would create local school vouchers. This bill would take a very bad idea and make it worse. Instead of just covering the state cost of education under a voucher program, this bill requires the amount each municipality pays to educate their students would also go to voucher students. Remember, the vouchers apply to students who are not currently in public schools. This bill would cripple municipal budgets and dramatically raise property taxes.

We need you to draw the line in the sand now with your state representatives and tell them enough is enough on attacking and defunding our public schools. These voucher schemes and unwieldly expansion will hurt students, local schools, and taxpayers. Contact your state representative now and ask them to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on all of these voucher bills.

More House Education Committee Action.   Last week the committee began taking votes on a myriad of bills. The House has a deadline to deal with some bills by the end of February, so a lot of bills needed to be voted on by committee this past week. The bills run the gamut from previously noted voucher expansion to book bans and with an evenly divided House Education Committee many of these bills came out 10-10 which means they will head to the full House for a vote without recommendation.  This makes it ever so important that your state representative is present during the legislative session, has heard from you, and will vote against these anti-public education bills.

Action Needed   

Teacher certification apparently doesn’t matter to the NH State Senate or Representative Glen Cordelli. Now they are proposing hiring uncertified adults to work as teachers as long as they aren’t working more than 30 hours a week.  It is hard to believe but that is correct. No certification, no alternative pathway, or any professional educator requirements other than a criminal background check to do the job of our professional educators.

On Monday, February 5th, the House Education Committee will hear a companion bill to SB 374 which already passed the Senate and would allow a person to be a part-time teacher in a school up to 30 hours a week without a credential.  HB 1298  is filed under the guise of trying to help the teacher shortage issue we face in this state, but this bill would fill schools with unqualified people teaching our students. Being a teacher is not easy. It requires skill and training, communication, classroom management and unlimited patience. Those things are how we ensure the best education possible for Granite State students. This bill will eliminate standards and lower educational outcomes. If it passes it will harm our students and our profession. Please click the following Contact the House Education Committee to defend the teaching profession and ask them to vote ITL on HB 1298.

Pending Bills to be Heard   HB 1473  which would prohibit any use of social- emotional learning in public schools with a public hearing on Monday. Social and emotional learning helps students learn how to recognize and regulate their own emotions, find ways to talk through interpersonal conflicts, and develop self-management techniques.

There is one bright spot with HB 1162 which will be heard on Tuesday. This bill would repeal the ban on teaching divisive concepts. You may remember, we have a lawsuit in U.S. District Court waiting for Judge Barbadoro’s ruling on whether the law is so vague it is impossible to know what actions will lead to a violation. Also on Tuesday, we have HB 1671 clarifying the complaint process for alleged violations of the Divisive Concepts law and giving school personnel the opportunity to sue and collect damages if falsely accused. This bill would make clear that complaints must be brought through the local district without interference from the NH Department of Education.

Right to Work Public Hearing Scheduled   Wednesday is the continuation of the public hearing on HB 1377 – so-called Right-to-Work. This is plain and simple a union busting tactic aimed at private sector unions. It prevents the union from collecting fees to cover the cost of negotiating and administering contracts for employees who benefit from the contract but do not join the union.  

School Funding One last note, in November Judge Ruoff ruled that the State of NH was chronically underfunding public education, the latest in a three decades long series of court rulings that have found the state is not living up to its constitutional duty to provide the opportunity for a public education that is equally robust in Berlin, Claremont and Franklin as it is in Windham, Bedford and Hannover. The difference is Judge Ruoff actually put a dollar amount to it – the State needs to pay $7,356.01 per student in base aid, plus any differentiated aid – or close to double the current base adequacy of $4,100. That would require $528 million more than the State is currently spending on public education but would allow relief for local property taxpayers who have been unconstitutionally overburdened by having to shoulder the cost of a state responsibility.

Despite the ongoing litigation and court order, the House Finance Committee this week decided on a 13-12 vote to approve a bill that would send an estimated $222 million in “surplus” from the Education Trust Fund to the General Fund at the end of June to be spent on whatever the State Legislature chooses. Let’s be absolutely clear. There is no surplus. That money is owed to the public school students to provide them with a robust education and to the local property taxpayers who have been overpaying to cover what the state has not.


                                                                                   Legislative Action Toolkit


For breaking news and other legislative information, please be sure to like us on Facebook at AFT New Hampshire or follow us on Twitter @AFTNewHampshire to receive the latest news.  Please share this with friends so they can sign up for this bulletin at

You can also read written testimony submitted to the legislature at STATE HOUSE NEWS.

We will post next week’s schedule of bills we are monitoring at the end of the weekly bulletin. If you want to find out more information about any bill, you can simply enter the bill at the following link:  FIND A BILL.

We encourage you to take action on other bills. Please note our position is not noted on the current tracker for bills that have already been heard and are now pending executive session action in committee since the period for testimony has passed.

For any of the bills scheduled for a hearing you can register your position on any bill scheduled for a public hearing at the following link: SUBMIT YOUR POSITION ON A BILL.

Upcoming Legislative Hearings

Mon 2/5 9:30 AMHB 1185OpposeRelative to Sexual Education Instruction.Rep. Karen ReidLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 10:15 AMHB 1473OpposeRelative to Social-emotional Learning In Public Schools.Rep. John SellersLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 11:00 AMHB 1625MonitorRelative to School Health Services.Rep. Karen ReidLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 12:45 PMHB 1298OpposeRelative to The Definition Of Part-time Teachers.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 1:15 PMHB 1458MonitorRelative to Authorizing Parents to Remove Children From The English Language Learner Program.Rep. Erica LayonLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 1:45 PMHB 1496MonitorRelative to The State's Duty to Protect Children In Public Schools.Rep. J.R. HoellLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 2:15 PMHB 1692MonitorRelative to Public High School Graduation Requirements.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Mon 2/5 3:00 PMHB 1682MonitorRelative to The Civics Test Graduation Requirement.Rep. Michael MoffettLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 9:00 AMSB 526SupportRelative to A Public School Facility Condition Assessment and School Building Aid Grants For Temperature Control.Sen. Rebecca WhitleyLOB 101 (Education/S)
Tue 2/6 9:30 AMHB 1312OpposeRequiring Parental Notification Of Student Health or Well-being and Certain Curricula By School Districts.Rep. Kristine PerezLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 9:30 AMHB 1147SupportRelative to Permissible Campaign Contributions By Business Organizations and Labor Unions.Rep. Ellen ReadLOB 306-308 (Election Law/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 10:15 AMHB 1356OpposeRelative to The Use Of Children's Names and Pronouns By Public School Employees.Rep. Brian ColeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 10:35 AMHB 1111Hearing HeldRelative to The Penalty For False Reports Of Suspected Abuse and Neglect Made to The Division For Children, Youth, and Families.Rep. James SpillaneLOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/6 11:00 AMHB 1162SupportRelative to Teaching Discrimination In Public Schools and Discrimination In Public Workplaces.Rep. Peter PetrignoLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 1:00 PMHB 1514Hearing HeldRelative to Excess Funds Paid to Municipalities For The Use Of School Districts.Rep. David BickfordLOB 202-204 (Ways and Means/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/6 1:00 PMHB 1563Hearing HeldRelative to The Education Property Tax and The Authority Of Political Subdivisions.Rep. Sallie FellowsLOB 202-204 (Ways and Means/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/6 1:00 PMHB 1671SupportRelative to The Complaint Process For Teaching Discrimination and Allowing Educators and School Officials A Right Of Action For Damages and Costs For False Accusations.Rep. Linda TannerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 1:45 PMHB 1643OpposeRequiring School Districts to Make Curriculum and Instructional Materials Available On Their Web Pages.Rep. Mike OuelletLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 2:15 PMHB 1235MonitorRelative to High School Students Serving As School Board Members.Rep. David RochefortLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Tue 2/6 2:45 PMHB 1616MonitorRelative to Parental Consent For Student Participation In Medicaid to Schools Program.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 2/7 9:15 AMSB 437MonitorRelative to Local Authority to Amend The State Building Code.Sen. Sharon CarsonSH 103 (Executive Departments and Administration/S)
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1197SupportRelative to Criminal Background Checks.Rep. Chris MunsLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1517Hearing HeldRelative to The Statewide Education Property Tax and Excess Revenue From Games Of Chance.Rep. Michael HarringtonLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1552Hearing HeldRelative to The Duties and Responsibilities Of Superintendents Of School Administrative Units.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1509Hearing HeldProhibiting Spending Of Special Education Moneys For Any Other Purpose and Requiring Reporting Of Fund Balances to The School Board.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1686Hearing HeldRelative to Requiring Excess Revenues Raised Through The Statewide Education Property Tax to Be Remitted to The Education Trust Fund and Prohibiting The Department Of Revenue Administration From Setting Negative Local and County Tax Rates On Real Property.Rep. Marjorie SmithLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1265Hearing HeldRelative to The Penalty For Failure to File School Expenditure Reports, and Relative to Certain Adequacy Grants.Rep. Sallie FellowsLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1586Hearing HeldEstablishing A Foundation Opportunity Budget Program For Funding Public Education.Rep. David LuneauLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1382Hearing HeldRelative to Special Education Support For Military-connected Students.Rep. Terry RoyLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1176Hearing HeldEstablishing A Commission to Study Current Funding For Special Education and Potential Other Funding Sources.Rep. Mary HeathLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1656Hearing HeldRelative to Increasing The Adequacy Grant For Pupils Receiving Special Education Services.Rep. Cam KenneyLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1311Hearing HeldRelative to School District Collection Development and Reconsideration Policies.Rep. David PaigeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1583Hearing HeldRelative to The Per Pupil Cost Of An Opportunity For An Adequate Education.Rep. Jonah WheelerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1452Hearing HeldRelative to Credentials For The Position Of Superintendent Of Schools and School Business Officer.Rep. David LuneauLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1014Hearing HeldRelative to The Registration Of High School Students to Vote.Rep. Mark PaigeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1297Hearing HeldRelative to The Authority Of Municipalities to Enforce Ordinances Related to Health and Safety.Rep. Ellen ReadLOB 301-303 (Municipal and County Government/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 9:30 AMHB 1377OpposeRelative to Granting Workers Free Choice to Join or Refrain From Joining Labor Unions.Rep. Yury PolozovLOB 307 (Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 2/7 10:30 AMHB 1056MonitorRelative to Administration Of The Child Care Scholarship Program.Rep. Debra DeSimoneLOB 209 (Special Committee On Childcare/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 2/7 10:30 AMHB 1211Hearing HeldRelative to Part-time Employment Of A Retirement System Retiree.Rep. Mark ProulxLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 10:30 AMHB 1307Hearing HeldProviding A Supplemental Appropriation For Members Of The Retirement System Receiving An Accidental Disability Retirement Allowance.Rep. Hope DamonLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 10:30 AMHB 1299Hearing HeldRelative to Group I Membership In The Retirement System For Certain Firefighter Educators.Rep. Douglas TrottierLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 10:30 AMHB 1653Hearing HeldRelative to Determination Of Earnable Compensation For Certain Group I Retirement System Members.Rep. Kevin PrattLOB 306-308 (Executive Departments and Administration/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/7 1:15 PMHB 1207Hearing HeldRelative to Single-use Disposable Plastic Foodware Accessories.Rep. Tony CaplanLOB 302-304 (Commerce and Consumer Affairs/H)
Executive Session

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