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AFT-NH Legislative Bulletin (2024-07) Action Needed

Voucher Bills and Book Ban Rejected

Reduced/Free School Lunch Expanded

IT WAS A GREAT DAY under the dome in Concord. The House passed a bill to expand free and reduced lunch, both of the voucher expansion bills that were on the floor were defeated, and we once again stood up against the banning of books in our schools. The House also stopped the raiding of the Education Trust Fund, protecting funds meant for our local neighborhood public schools.

Thank you to all our members and allies who reached out to their representatives on the two voucher expansion bills. Your activism made a difference. We are so appreciative to all the public school supporters in the NH House who showed up for today’s important session day, stayed through the long hours, and frankly, endured abusive floor speeches by some representatives. It is thanks to you that our public school students ended this week with the hope of more support for their learning needs and protection for their rights. 


Outside of the dome at the State Board of Education. The news was not as good. This week Frank Edelblut released his latest version of the 306 rules (Minimum Standards for Public School Approval). It is important to emphasize these are his rules. The months of listening sessions and countless hours of work done by educators and those who work in education was once again thrown out by the commissioner in his continued attempt to dismantle public education. The SBOE on Thursday voted to begin the official process of implementing these new rules. This process is just at the beginning with a public hearing on April 3rd and then there will be numerous steps in this process before they become law. Today at the State House was a good reminder that advocacy can work, and we will need your advocacy on the rules as well. More on this when we get more information.

Right to Work (for less)   Next week at the State House, the House Education Committee will be voting on a series of bills and the full House will be voting on HB 1377, so-called Right to Work. We know so called Right to Work states have lower wages, higher poverty rates and higher risks of workplace deaths. We also know that this bill is put forward time after time solely because these anti-union politicians don’t like unions and don’t like you having power.

Action Needed   Please help us fight HB 1377 by sending a postcard to your legislators today. They need to hear from you and see the faces of the workers that will be affected by enacting “right-to-work.


 This year, we have begun utilizing a new tool to fight attacks against New Hampshire working families. In the past, we have gathered together and sent postcards to legislators to urge them to vote against/for legislation that impacted our lives and workplaces, but now, using this form/App, we can send postcards by filling out a simple form and taking a picture.

 If you click here you will be directed to an online form. Once you fill out the form, you click the button, under the words “Upload photo” that says “Choose File.” You then take a HORIZONTAL/LANDSCAPE photo of yourself, click the terms and privacy boxes, and then click the “Submit” button. This form will generate a postcard that urges your legislator to vote against “Right-to-Work” and includes a photo of you. Studies have shown that when elected representatives put a face to the name on written correspondence, that it is substantially more likely they will take that constituent’s opinion to heart. That is the point of this new communications tool. You may also share the link with your networks and members, but remember to tell them to take the photo in HORIZONTAL/LANDSCAPE format (sideways on your phone). Here is the link to share with your networks:

 Education Funding   Additionally, the full House will be voting on a series of education funding bills. While none of these bills come close to what the Superior Court Judge ruled was necessary to meet the state’s constitutional obligation for providing at least a minimally adequate opportunity for a public education to Granite State students through our local public schools but together they represent a good step forward during a non-budget year. We expect, and our public students deserve, this to be a start of fixing the public school funding system, not an end.

Once again, THANK YOU for all of your work on stopping vouchers and for working protect our local neighborhood public schools.

Legislative Action Toolkit

For breaking news and other legislative information, please be sure to like us on Facebook at AFT New Hampshire or follow us on Twitter @AFTNewHampshire to receive the latest news.  Please share this with friends so they can sign up for this bulletin at

You can also read written testimony submitted to the legislature at STATE HOUSE NEWS.

We will post next week’s schedule of bills we are monitoring at the end of the weekly bulletin. If you want to find out more information about any bill, you can simply enter the bill at the following link:  FIND A BILL.

We encourage you to take action on other bills. Please note our position is not noted on the current tracker for bills that have already been heard and are now pending executive session action in committee since the period for testimony has passed.

For any of the bills scheduled for a hearing you can register your position on any bill scheduled for a public hearing at the following link: SUBMIT YOUR POSITION ON A BILL.

 Legislative Tracker – Week of February 19th

All bills listed will be in executive session this week so no public testimony will be accepted.

Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1305Relative to Freedom Of Speech and Association At Public Institutions Of Higher Education.Rep. Daniel Popovici-MullerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1265Relative to The Penalty For Failure to File School Expenditure Reports, and Relative to Certain Adequacy Grants.Rep. Sallie FellowsLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1382Relative to Special Education Support For Military-connected Students.Rep. Terry RoyLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1356Relative to The Use Of Children's Names and Pronouns By Public School Employees.Rep. Brian ColeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1176Establishing A Commission to Study Current Funding For Special Education and Potential Other Funding Sources.Rep. Mary HeathLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1671Relative to The Complaint Process For Teaching Discrimination and Allowing Educators and School Officials A Right Of Action For Damages and Costs For False Accusations.Rep. Linda TannerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1311Relative to School District Collection Development and Reconsideration Policies.Rep. David PaigeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1594Establishing An Annual Review and Qualification to Determine Eligibility to Participate In The Education Freedom Accounts Program.Rep. Mel MylerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1287Relative to The Definition Of The Term "evidence-based" Within Public Education.Rep. Mike BelcherLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1108Relative to Establishing A Committee to Study The Role Of Colleges and Universities In Contributing to The Student Loan Crisis.Rep. Mike BelcherLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1452Relative to Credentials For The Position Of Superintendent Of Schools and School Business Officer.Rep. David LuneauLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1312Requiring Parental Notification Of Student Health or Well-being and Certain Curricula By School Districts.Rep. Kristine PerezLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1512Limiting Education Freedom Account Funding to Budgeted Amounts.Rep. Mel MylerLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1453Relative to Degree Granting Authority Of Certain Institutions Of Higher Education.Rep. David LuneauLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1552Relative to The Duties and Responsibilities Of Superintendents Of School Administrative Units.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1014Relative to The Registration Of High School Students to Vote.Rep. Mark PaigeLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1509Prohibiting Spending Of Special Education Moneys For Any Other Purpose and Requiring Reporting Of Fund Balances to The School Board.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 9:15 AMHB 1162Relative to Teaching Discrimination In Public Schools and Discrimination In Public Workplaces.Rep. Peter PetrignoLOB 205-207 (Education/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 10:30 AMCACR 17Relating to The Rights Of Parents. Providing That Parents Shall Have A Fundamental Right to Direct The Upbringing, Education, and Care Of Their Minor Children.Rep. Glenn CordelliLOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 10:30 AMHB 1269Relative to The Use Of Child Restraints In Schools.Rep. Tim McGoughLOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H)
Executive Session
Tue 2/20 1:00 PMHB 1509Prohibiting Spending Of Special Education Moneys For Any Other Purpose and Requiring Reporting Of Fund Balances to The School Board.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 104 (Education/H)
Subcommittee Work Session
Tue 2/20 2:00 PMHB 1099Relative to Partisan School District Elections.Rep. Diane PauerLOB 306-308 (Election Law/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/21 9:30 AMHB 1038Relative to Prohibiting Registered Sex Offenders From Employment At Businesses Providing Direct Services to Minors or Direct Supervision or Oversight Of Minors.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Public Hearing
Wed 2/21 9:30 AMHB 1124Relative to Limiting Conflicts Of Interest and Excessive Concentration Of Power For Municipal Board and Committee Members.Rep. Walter SpilsburyLOB 307 (Municipal and County Government/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/21 10:00 AMHB 1056Relative to Administration Of The Child Care Scholarship Program.Rep. Debra DeSimoneLOB 104 (Special Committee On Childcare/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/21 11:00 AMHB 1213Relative to Immunization Requirements For Private Schools and Child Care Agencies.Rep. Emily PhillipsLOB 203 (Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs/H)
Executive Session
Wed 2/21 1:00 PMHB 1002Relative to Fees For Records Under The Right-to-know Law.Rep. Katelyn KuttabLOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H)
Full Committee Work Session
Wed 2/21 3:00 PMHB 1175Relative to The Official Ballot Referendum Form Of Town Meetings.Rep. Diane PauerLOB 307 (Municipal and County Government/H)
Public Hearing
Fri 2/23 9:30 AMHB 1344Relative to Criminalizing The Enticement and Manipulation Of Minors to Engage In Sexual Activity.Rep. Kristine PerezLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Executive Session
Fri 2/23 9:30 AMHB 1038Relative to Prohibiting Registered Sex Offenders From Employment At Businesses Providing Direct Services to Minors or Direct Supervision or Oversight Of Minors.Rep. Kevin VervilleLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Executive Session
Fri 2/23 9:30 AMHB 1197Relative to Criminal Background Checks.Rep. Chris MunsLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Executive Session
Fri 2/23 9:30 AMHB 1021Relative to Body-worn Cameras and Exculpatory Evidence.Rep. Dan HynesLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Executive Session
Fri 2/23 9:30 AMHB 1012Exempting From Criminal Penalty Certain Parenting Decisions Intended to Encourage A Child's Independence and Freedom.Rep. Leah CushmanLOB 202-204 (Criminal Justice and Public Safety/H)
Executive Session
Wed 3/6 10:00 AMHB 1080Relative to The Legislative Youth Advisory Council.Rep. Jodi NelsonLOB 203 (Legislative Administration/H)
Executive Session




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