Right to Work (for less) Soundly Defeated
SO CALLED RIGHT TO WORK has been beaten back again. Union allies banded together to once again defeat this legislation designed to weaken our collective bargaining rights. The final vote was 212-168, a stunning rebuke of this awful legislation considering the makeup of the NH House. Thank you all for reaching out and making your voices heard in opposing this regressive bill that would have resulted in lower wages and less safe working conditions for Granite Staters.
In addition, this week the House took small steps in better funding education for our public school students by passing two bills (HB 1583 and HB 1686) that would result in an additional $130 million to our local neighborhood public schools. HB 1583 increases base adequacy per pupil funding by $222 to $4,404, establishes grants for districts with low equalized property values, as well as increased grants for districts serving students experiencing poverty. HB 1686 changes differentiated aid for Special Education students from a flat $2,142 per student to a range of $2,642 for Special Education students who receive most of their education in the regular education classroom up to $7,927 for students who need a large number of specialized services, programming, and equipment. These bills will head to the finance committee and then will go to the full House again. We know that $130 million is not enough to fully meet students’ needs and that this same week the superior court upheld their ruling that the state must do much more to adequately fund our schools and support the over 160,000 Granite State students that use them. We consider this a good faith short term effort but continue to urge our legislators to work on a permanent solution and fulfill their constitutional obligation to fund our schools.
As many schools look forward to their winter break, so does the New Hampshire legislature. There will be no committee work next week and no full House sessions. We know we have asked a lot from all of you this year and that it is in addition to your daily work and already busy lives. We hope that those who have the week off that you are able to relax and recharge.
When the break is done, we will quickly be back in business. We have committee votes right away. These bills range from granting an almost unlimited subpoena power to the Commissioner of Education to radically weakening our local neighborhood public schools by virtually eliminating a need for certified teachers in the classroom. We will keep you informed on the status of these bills and ask for you to contact their representatives when it is most pressing.
Thank you for your work, and for those that have it, enjoy your break!
Legislative Action Toolkit
For breaking news and other legislative information, please be sure to like us on Facebook at AFT New Hampshire or follow us on Twitter @AFTNewHampshire to receive the latest news. Please share this with friends so they can sign up for this bulletin at http://nh.aft.org/.
You can also read written testimony submitted to the legislature at STATE HOUSE NEWS.
We will post next week’s schedule of bills we are monitoring at the end of the weekly bulletin. If you want to find out more information about any bill, you can simply enter the bill at the following link: FIND A BILL.
We encourage you to take action on other bills. Please note our position is not noted on the current tracker for bills that have already been heard and are now pending executive session action in committee since the period for testimony has passed.
For any of the bills scheduled for a hearing you can register your position on any bill scheduled for a public hearing at the following link: SUBMIT YOUR POSITION ON A BILL.
Legislative Tracker – Week of March 4th
A significant number of bills are scheduled for Executive Session thus no public testimony would be accepted.
Date/Time | Bill | Position | Description | Sponsors | Location |
Mon 3/4 9:00 AM | HB 1608 | Support | Relative to Providing An Induction Program For New Teachers. | Rep. Mel Myler | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Mon 3/4 9:45 AM | HB 1605 | Support | Relative to Alternative Education Programs For Granting Credit Leading to Graduation. | Rep. Candace Moulton | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Mon 3/4 10:30 AM | HB 1592 | Monitor | Relative to The Use Of Education Freedom Account Funds In Religious Schools. | Rep. Timothy Horrigan | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Mon 3/4 11:00 AM | HB 1084 | Support | Relative to Qualifications For The Commissioner Of Education. | Rep. Loren Selig | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Mon 3/4 12:30 PM | HB 1610 | Support | Relative to Standardized Assessment Data For Participants In Education Freedom Accounts. | Rep. Corinne Cascadden | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Tue 3/5 9:00 AM | HB 155 | Monitor | (new Title) Relative to The Higher Education Commission. | Rep. Michael Moffett | LOB 101 (Education/S) Hearing |
Tue 3/5 9:00 AM | HB 1015 | Monitor | Relative to Requirements For Literacy Skill Development In Elementary Grades. | Rep. Lorie Ball | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Tue 3/5 9:30 AM | HB 637 | Monitor | (new Title) Relative to The Calculation Of Average Daily Membership In Attendance and Average Daily Membership In Residence For Certain Home Educated Pupils. | Rep. Deb Hobson | LOB 101 (Education/S) Hearing |
Tue 3/5 10:00 AM | HB 1654 | Support | Relative to Review Of Education Freedom Account Service Providers. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Tue 3/5 10:00 AM | HB 1269 | Relative to The Use Of Child Restraints In Schools. | Rep. Tim McGough | LOB 206-208 (Children and Family Law/H) Executive Session | |
Tue 3/5 11:00 AM | HB 1650 | Support | Relative to The Approval Of Alternative Programs For Granting Credit Leading to Graduation. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Tue 3/5 11:20 AM | HB 1570 | (new Title) Requiring The Department Of Education to Conduct A Facility Assessment Of Public Schools and Public Chartered Schools. | Rep. Rick Ladd | LOB 209 (Finance/H) Division II Work Session | |
Tue 3/5 1:00 PM | HB 1093 | Monitor | Prohibiting Mandatory Mask Policies In Schools. | Rep. Kristin Noble | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Public Hearing |
Tue 3/5 2:30 PM | HB 1087 | Establishing A Commission to Study Information Literacy and Media Literacy Instruction In Public Schools. | Rep. David Paige | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Tue 3/5 2:30 PM | HB 1458 | Relative to Authorizing Parents to Remove Children From The English Language Learner Program. | Rep. Erica Layon | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Tue 3/5 2:30 PM | HB 1418 | Relative to The Use Of Education Freedom Account Funds to Purchase School Uniforms. | Rep. Timothy Horrigan | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1625 | Relative to School Health Services. | Rep. Karen Reid | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1646 | Relative to Chartered Public Schools. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1616 | Relative to Parental Consent For Student Participation In Medicaid to Schools Program. | Rep. Glenn Cordelli | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1610 | Relative to Standardized Assessment Data For Participants In Education Freedom Accounts. | Rep. Corinne Cascadden | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1552 | Relative to The Duties and Responsibilities Of Superintendents Of School Administrative Units. | Rep. Glenn Cordelli | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1650 | Relative to The Approval Of Alternative Programs For Granting Credit Leading to Graduation. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1608 | Relative to Providing An Induction Program For New Teachers. | Rep. Mel Myler | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1205 | Relative to Women's School Sports. | Rep. Louise Andrus | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1298 | Relative to The Definition Of Part-time Teachers. | Rep. Glenn Cordelli | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1682 | Relative to The Civics Test Graduation Requirement. | Rep. Michael Moffett | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1382 | Relative to Special Education Support For Military-connected Students. | Rep. Terry Roy | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1605 | Relative to Alternative Education Programs For Granting Credit Leading to Graduation. | Rep. Candace Moulton | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1592 | Relative to The Use Of Education Freedom Account Funds In Religious Schools. | Rep. Timothy Horrigan | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1654 | Relative to Review Of Education Freedom Account Service Providers. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1452 | Relative to Credentials For The Position Of Superintendent Of Schools and School Business Officer. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1691 | Relative to The Definition Of An Adequate Public Education. | Rep. Glenn Cordelli | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1476 | Relative to Charter School Memorandums Of Understanding. | Rep. David Luneau | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1084 | Relative to Qualifications For The Commissioner Of Education. | Rep. Loren Selig | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1093 | Prohibiting Mandatory Mask Policies In Schools. | Rep. Kristin Noble | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:30 AM | HB 1014 | Relative to The Registration Of High School Students to Vote. | Rep. Mark Paige | LOB 205-207 (Education/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 9:45 AM | HB 1124 | Relative to Limiting Conflicts Of Interest and Excessive Concentration Of Power For Municipal Board and Committee Members. | Rep. Walter Spilsbury | LOB 307 (Municipal and County Government/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 10:00 AM | HB 1080 | Relative to The Legislative Youth Advisory Council. | Rep. Jodi Nelson | LOB 203 (Legislative Administration/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 10:00 AM | HB 1497 | Restricting Trial Courts In Criminal Matters From Imposing Certain Sentences Following A Plea Bargain. | Rep. Jason Gerhard | LOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 10:00 AM | HB 1353 | Relative to Authorizing The Commissioner Of The Department Of Education to Issue Subpoenas. | Rep. Bob Lynn | LOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 10:00 AM | HB 1640 | Relative to Qualified Immunity Standards. | Rep. J.R. Hoell | LOB 206-208 (Judiciary/H) Executive Session | |
Wed 3/6 11:15 AM | HB 1199 | Relative to Services Of The Office Of The Child Advocate For Youth Experiencing Homelessness and Making An Appropriation Therefor. | Rep. Patrick Long | LOB 212 (Finance/H) Division I Work Session | |
Wed 3/6 1:00 PM | HB 1279 | Relative to Payment By The State Of A Portion Of Retirement System Contributions Of Political Subdivision Employers. | Rep. Michael Edgar | LOB 212 (Finance/H) Division I Work Session | |
Wed 3/6 1:00 PM | HB 1223 | Monitor | Relative to Governing Body Members Of The Budget Committee. | Rep. Terry Roy | LOB 307 (Municipal and County Government/H) Public Hearing on non-germane amendment |