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State House 08-2024

Urgent Red Alert

Respect the Teaching Profession

On Tuesday, March 6th, the House Education Committee will be taking action on two bills which are blatant attacks on the teaching profession. We are asking you to take these two one-click actions to let the House Education Committee know that you respect New Hampshire educators and these attacks must stop.


AFT-NH local leaders and negotiating teams have spent countless hours preparing tentative agreements to be presented to the voters in March. All of that hard work comes down to one day of voting or one meeting. Please help AFT-NH members bring these contracts over the finish line. Please share this list with friends and allies so they know how they can make a difference and support our AFT-NH locals. We know that every single vote counts. Together we win. You can download the guide here. 

State House 08-2024

Right to Work (for less) Soundly Defeated

SO CALLED RIGHT TO WORK has been beaten back again. Union allies banded together to once again defeat this legislation designed to weaken our collective bargaining rights. The final vote was 212-168, a stunning rebuke of this awful legislation considering the makeup of the NH House. Thank you all for reaching out and making your voices heard in opposing this regressive bill that would have resulted in lower wages and less safe working conditions for Granite Staters.

In addition, this week the House took small steps in better funding education for our public school students by passing two bills (HB 1583 and HB 1686) that would result in an additional $130 million to our local neighborhood public schools. HB 1583 increases base adequacy per pupil funding by $222 to $4,404, establishes grants for districts with low equalized property values, as well as increased grants for districts serving students experiencing poverty. HB 1686 changes differentiated aid for Special Education students from a flat $2,142 per student to a range of $2,642 for Special Education students who receive most of their education in the regular education classroom up to $7,927 for students who need a large number of specialized services, programming, and equipment. These bills will head to the finance committee and then will go to the full House again. We know that $130 million is not enough to fully meet students’ needs and that this same week the superior court upheld their ruling that the state must do much more to adequately fund our schools and support the over 160,000 Granite State students that use them. We consider this a good faith short term effort but continue to urge our legislators to work on a permanent solution and fulfill their constitutional obligation to fund our schools.

State House 08-2024

Voucher Bills and Book Ban Rejected

Reduced/Free School Lunch Expanded

IT WAS A GREAT DAY under the dome in Concord. The House passed a bill to expand free and reduced lunch, both of the voucher expansion bills that were on the floor were defeated, and we once again stood up against the banning of books in our schools. The House also stopped the raiding of the Education Trust Fund, protecting funds meant for our local neighborhood public schools.

Thank you to all our members and allies who reached out to their representatives on the two voucher expansion bills. Your activism made a difference. We

AFT-NH Logo 2024

It is vitally important to get these standards correct because they have a huge impact on the way the 160,000 students who rely on our local public schools access their public education. These standards set a floor for what sort of facilities they have, what programs are offered, whether class sizes are kept small, even whether they have a school nurse on site. What you approve in the ED 306 Rules will affect almost every aspect of their educational experience, for good or bad, yet to date there has been no systematic outreach to public school parents and students to find out what they like, value, and even cherish about their public schools and what they want to see improved. How can you know what needs to be kept and what needs to be changed if you haven’t asked this basic question of the most important stakeholders?

AFT-NH Logo 2024

AFT-NH Testimony on HB 1353

From Debrah Howes, President AFT-NH

This totally unnecessary bill creates the false and frankly insulting impression that we have rampant problems with educator misconduct in so many of our public schools that it can only be solved by granting unprecedented investigatory power to the head of the Department of Education! Nobody wants the kind of person who would hurt students to stay in a position where they can ever do it again, whether that is as an educator, a volunteer, a sports coach, a clergy person or any other adult a child might encounter. However, when this proposal to give the commissioner subpoena power was introduced last year in an amendment to HB 533, a bill relative to public school human rights complaints we heard that there really isn’t a huge problem with educator misconduct in the Granite State. In discussion of that subpoena amendment in March 2023, the chief investigator for the Department of Education testified that there are very few instances of public school educator misconduct that result in loss of license. And an attorney for the Department of Education testified that when investigating potential violations of the Educator Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct, the department was usually able to get the information it needed, but it might need to wait until a local school district had finished an employment investigation first. She could point to no specific case where students were left in an unsafe situation due to the department having to wait while local districts followed the policies adopted by duly elected school boards.