Right to Work Action Needed. The top story this week is the impending hearing in the House Labor Committee on SB 61, the so-called “right to work” bill. The hearing is scheduled for the morning of March 25, and we urge you to register your opposition to this scheme to reduce the compensation and benefits of all workers in NH by registering at this link no later than 8am on Thursday, March 25 Register your opposition to SB 61 here. It is a quick and easy form to complete. Go to the date, March 25th, Select House Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services, 10:00 am, SB 61. Drop down menu for “I am a member of the public” and “representing myself”. Then you can click “I oppose this bill”. Click “Continue”. Fill in your first name, last name, phone number, and email address, and click "Continue." Check the box next to "By clicking this checkbox, you agree that the information you have provided is truthful to the best of your knowledge." Click "Continue."