March 14, 2021 ~ Bow, NH
Watching the snow fall and listening to the wind howl today, just a few days after we had temps in the 60s with bright sunshine. Ah, welcome to March in New Hampshire!
Senate Voucher bill. Our biggest story continues to be SB 130, the Senate version of the “voucher” bill shelved in the NH House. This past week, the Senate Education Committee voted along party lines to send SB 130 to the Senate for a vote on this coming Thursday, March 18. As explained below, SB 130 has been amended, but the effect is akin to putting lipstick on a pig—it is still a pig. And so, please contact your NH senator, whether Republican or Democrat, and urge her/him to vote against this giveaway of tax dollars which will result in raising your property taxes.
Click the link and Tell your State Senator to OPPOSE Senate Bill 30. No to vouchers